Read more about the article Join the First Metaverse with Matrix NFT, but Watch out for a Glitch in the Matrix
On the queue page of Nifty's The Matrix NFT, I was so excited for my 331 number, but then tragedy happened.../ Nifty's 《駭客任務》NFT 販售的等待畫面,我拿到第 331 號號碼牌時超興奮的,殊不知悲劇在後頭...

Join the First Metaverse with Matrix NFT, but Watch out for a Glitch in the Matrix

I thought I was lucky. Very few people in my chat room got a number less than 10,000. So I began to think about how many NFTs I should buy, given the quota for one person was to buy 25 NFTs. Finally, it was my turn. I happily clicked the confirm button. Then, the tragedy happened, and I got an error!

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Read more about the article Case Study – Should You Join the NFT Universe?
The first NFT I minted, guess what does it make you think of? Find my answer on OpenSea.

Case Study – Should You Join the NFT Universe?

回到我們稍早的行銷策略討論,既然每天都有無數的熱情創作者投入 NFT 市場,你要如何在人群中脫穎而出呢?首先,你需要準備一個好故事;就像那位用自己的程式創造出像素鯨魚的 12 歲男孩。也可以讓知名角色助你一臂之力...

Continue ReadingCase Study – Should You Join the NFT Universe?
Read more about the article 疫情自學系列 III:1 個月取得 Google Data Analytics Certification 心得
Google Data Analytics Certificate

疫情自學系列 III:1 個月取得 Google Data Analytics Certification 心得

後疫情時代,各行各業都需要數據分析來更瞭解客戶,幫助業績成長。如果你是下面的 6 種人之一,這篇文章應該可以對你有些幫助,happy reading!
1. 想轉職,或想拿證照幫履歷加分
2. 久仰 Coursera 的大名,想找堂課試試是不是真的值得投資
3. 對數據分析有興趣,但是不知道學不學的來
4. 聽聞 Google Data Analytics 課程,還在觀望要不要報名
5. 工作上需要處理數據,想要更精進數據分析能力
6. 因 Work from home 在家工作或 self-quarantining 居家隔離,突然多了很多時間,除了看 Netflix 不知道要幹嘛

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