Read more about the article 讚賞公民 Web3 – 支持創作有價的買幣、換幣、委託經驗分享
讚賞公民 Web3 這個月在紛紛擾擾中上線了,圖片出自官網/Civil Liker Web3 went live this month, picture from Liker Land

讚賞公民 Web3 – 支持創作有價的買幣、換幣、委託經驗分享

「讚賞公民 Web3」(Civic Liker) 2月在紛紛擾擾中上線了,本持實驗精神的我決定挑戰「七步成讚賞公民」。若你符合以下三點,絕對不能錯過這篇文章: 1. 你想支持「創作有價」 2. 你是幣圈小白,沒有交易所買幣經驗 3你對傳聞的讚賞公民很好奇,想知道葫蘆裡到底在賣什麼藥

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Read more about the article Learning EP4 – How To Use Web 3.0 To Design Financial Services?
Web 3.0 is about empowering people and everyone becomes a contributor. Picture source: fabio (Unsplash)

Learning EP4 – How To Use Web 3.0 To Design Financial Services?

My takeaway is that there are still many Web 3.0's business opportunities for uninsured or under-insured customers. And what will these segments need? More customer-centric and personalized products. I can think of a few examples, such as cardiac disease patients can….

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Read more about the article Learning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?
Coursera Google UX Design Certificate

Learning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?

If you click any of the boxes below, this article may be just what you are looking for!
1. You're curious about UX Design, or want to know what role does design thinking play in customer journey
2. You heard about Google UX Design Certification, but not sure whether it's worth the time and money
3. People recommend Coursera all the time, and you wonder if it’s right for you
4. You're considering changing jobs, or you want to get some licenses to improve your chances
5. You suddenly have a lot of time to spend due to work from home or self-quarantining and want to do something other than watch Netflix

Continue ReadingLearning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?