Read more about the article 疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得
Coursera Google UX Design Certificate

疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得

如果你是下面的 5 種人之一,這篇文章可能就是你在找的!
1. 對 UX Design 好奇,或想知道 User Experience 在顧客體驗中到底重不重要
2. 對 Google UX Design Certificate 好奇,正在觀望要不要報名
3. 久仰 Coursera 的大名,不知道適不適合自己
4. 正想轉職,或想多拿一點證照幫履歷加分
5. 因 Work from home 在家工作或 self-quarantining 居家隔離,突然多了很多時間,除了追劇不知道要幹嘛

Continue Reading疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得
Read more about the article Oops! I Did It Again…UX Design Website Challenge With Adobe XD
Prototype demo of a website I designed for Google’s UX Design course assignment on Coursera

Oops! I Did It Again…UX Design Website Challenge With Adobe XD

Music ordering and download is not a fresh idea, so it’s challenging to make a splash out of it. My focus of designing this music ordering platform for Neverlandseeker Philharmonic is to create a user-friendly and refreshing user flow with accessibility mindset. With more design iteration to display striking visual hierarchy and fine-tune features in detail, I hope to generate higher browsing and download volume for the orchestra in the long run.

Continue ReadingOops! I Did It Again…UX Design Website Challenge With Adobe XD