Read more about the article Learning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?
Coursera Google UX Design Certificate

Learning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?

If you click any of the boxes below, this article may be just what you are looking for!
1. You're curious about UX Design, or want to know what role does design thinking play in customer journey
2. You heard about Google UX Design Certification, but not sure whether it's worth the time and money
3. People recommend Coursera all the time, and you wonder if it’s right for you
4. You're considering changing jobs, or you want to get some licenses to improve your chances
5. You suddenly have a lot of time to spend due to work from home or self-quarantining and want to do something other than watch Netflix

Continue ReadingLearning EP1 – How to get Google UX Design Certification from Coursera in 2 weeks?
Read more about the article 疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得
Coursera Google UX Design Certificate

疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得

如果你是下面的 5 種人之一,這篇文章可能就是你在找的!
1. 對 UX Design 好奇,或想知道 User Experience 在顧客體驗中到底重不重要
2. 對 Google UX Design Certificate 好奇,正在觀望要不要報名
3. 久仰 Coursera 的大名,不知道適不適合自己
4. 正想轉職,或想多拿一點證照幫履歷加分
5. 因 Work from home 在家工作或 self-quarantining 居家隔離,突然多了很多時間,除了追劇不知道要幹嘛

Continue Reading疫情自學系列 I:兩個禮拜取得 Google UX Design Certificate 心得
Read more about the article Gamification UX Design for Social Good on Skill Exchange
Prototype of SkillEX’s account creation page with size variation

Gamification UX Design for Social Good on Skill Exchange

As a non-profit NGO, SkillEX believes the power of education. Apart from traditional classroom learning, it believes that the best education should be a combination of cultural cultivation, art education, technical readiness, and continuous interest exploration. Creating a platform for free skill exchange can benefit young adults; who may want to learn certain domain knowledge, but didn’t have the resource to do so in the past.

Continue ReadingGamification UX Design for Social Good on Skill Exchange