Read more about the article World Ballet Day, Watch the Best Ones in Russia!
Moscow's best, Bolshoi Theatre./ 莫斯科最棒的大劇院

World Ballet Day, Watch the Best Ones in Russia!

The Midsummer Night's Dream performed by Mariinsky Ballet Company was definitely a whole new level. Costumes were magnificent; even from such a long distance, I could still tell that they must spend a lot of time working on the details. The dance was elegant, unanimous, and light like a feather; I could barely hear the sound when those ballerinas' feet touched the floor...

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Read more about the article Me, Peru, and the No. 4 Restaurant in the World!
A dish from the world's top 4 restaurants, Central Restaurante, located in Lima of Peru. It also happened to be the first picture sold in my Shutterstock Portfolio. / 這道菜來自世界排名第 4 的餐廳,位於秘魯利馬的 Central Restaurante。這張照片也是我在 Shutterstock 賣出個第一張作品

Me, Peru, and the No. 4 Restaurant in the World!

In 3 hours Central Restaurant took me to as high as the Andes Mountains for the recreation of Peru's distinctive crops, to the dangerous Amazon River to meet the notorious Piranha, and down to the ocean for some slippery sea creatures!

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